The 240×320 TFT LCD Display Module with 65k RGB colours for a clear and colourful display effect and a resolution if 240 × 320 Pixels provides a great entry of compact visualisation for your next DIY project. also includes development resources examples for the Raspberry Pi, the Arduino or STM32 for facilitating its integration.
- 240×320 resolution, 65K RGB colors
- SPI interface with support for controller boards like Raspberry Pi/Arduino/STM32
- Comes with development resources (examples for Raspberry Pi/Arduino/STM32). Consult the documentation page for further information.
- The logic voltage depends on the used power supply operating the display (PSU with 5V voltage equals a logic level of 5V and vice versa).
- Operating Voltage: 3.3V / 5V
- Resolution: 240 × 320 Pixels
- Communication Interface: 4-wire SPI BUS
- Display Size: 36.72 × 48.96mm
- Display Panel: TFT
- Pixel Size: 0.153 × 0.153mm
- Driver: ILI9341
- Dimensions: 70.50 × 43.30mm
Pinout LCD
- VCC: Power (3.3V/5V input)
- GND: Ground
- DIN: SPI data input
- CLK: SPI clock input
- CS: Chip selection, low active
- DC: Data/Command selection (high for data, low for command)
- RST: Reset, low active
- BL: Backlight