The MEGA 2560 R3 board is a powerful microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 and is fully Arduino-compatible. Designed for demanding projects in the field of physical computing, it provides developers and tech enthusiasts with a reliable platform for creating interactive applications.
Technical Specifications
- Microcontroller: ATmega2560
- Input Voltage: 7-12V
- Digital I/O Pins: 54 (14 of which are PWM outputs)
- Analog Inputs: 16
- Flash Memory: 256k
- Clock Speed: 16 MHz
The board is ideal for complex projects and offers a variety of input and output options, as well as advanced communication capabilities through 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports). It is compatible with most Arduino shields and enables expanded connectivity with additional SDA and SCL pins, as well as the AREF pin. The IOREF connector ensures support for modern shields and future expansions.